Friday, May 15, 2009


A sharp flurry of wings startles me and I hastily create a cage above my head with my arms, cowering.
"What are you doing?"
"Please don't hurt me."
"Oh no. I'm not going to resort to violence this time."
"You're not?"
"No. I'm too disgusted. How could you let this happen?"
"Well, gee, Archimedes. I seem to be asking myself the same thing" I respond acidly. My attitude quickly changes, and I bite my lip, looking up at him, "Should I be worried about this?"
Shaking his head he answers, "I don't know. I just don't know." 
"Should I just go with it and see where it goes from here?"
"Do you think that's wise?"
I give him my hopefully-maybe smile, "Maaaaaayyybeeeeee???"
"I'm thinking no. However, I think you need to prepare yourself in case it isn't." 
"Good point. Okay." After a pause, "Are you worried?"
"Yes. That's a pretty short list to make."

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