Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Frenzied Free-write

Start time 6:05 pm. Song: Trouble With Dreams by Eels. Mood: Anxious

A dusty, desolate road stretches out its long spine before me, daring me to trace it's vertebrae. I put one foot in front of the other, walking the line that forbids me pass. My steps are slow and unsteady. The sun is unkind today. It sears my skin with stripes that draw blood. I walk as if I am bound, and my hands are not free to catch me when I fall. 

I gather my courage and look ahead at the road swallowed by the horizon to the point I've been trying to reach in vain. I don't know when I'll reach it, but I look on anyway. I implore the sun and make him mine. I even ask for a little water from his stores, the ones he keeps up there. 

Instead, he sends me a well, promising and cool. He bids me drink deeply, store some up for the journey before me. He loosens my feet and tacks wings to my shoulder-blades. They are small but sufficient. Their names are "doubt not" and "fear not".  

End time: 6:14 pm. Song: Climbing to the Moon [Jon Brion Remix] by Eels Mood: Still anxious. 

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